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#covid19update - 02

In this series of #covid19update posts, we talk about our latest COVID-safe dental practices, key issues around dentistry during lockdown, requirements and restrictions as well as other issues to help better understand the dental services available to you.

Follow us on Facebook for our latest updates, as they happen.

We are happily back to normal dental services! There are a few procedures in place, abiding by government mandates, Australian Dental Association guidelines, and to help keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

Over the last few months, we have been working hard to ensure exceptional levels of dental care are provided whilst being mindful of the restrictions that Covid-19 has introduced.

Along with the rest of South East Queensland, we have had a couple of lockdowns. This impacted the types of dental service we could provide. Our team, patients and community have been fantastic throughout those more complex times, and we are proud that we can continue caring for our patients in Nambour with services now back to normal. This is something we are especially thankful of when we hear of other locally owned and independent businesses having to close or significantly downsize their operations.

We monitor the most recent guidelines regularly and change what we do based on best practices. That means there are still safeguards in place to help keep our patients, team and visitors safe:

  1. We kindly ask all visitors to sign in using the Check In Qld app.

  2. Hand sanitiser is provided for all visitors to use before entering, leaving, and at other times within the practice.

  3. We follow the government issued mandate for face masks and kindly ask masks to be worn at the practice. A team member will advise when they may be removed.

  4. Temperature checks happen before any treatment is provided. That goes for our team as well.

  5. We have ample space in our pre-treatment area to ensure social distancing is easily achievable.

  6. Rigorous cleaning, sanitisation and sterilisation happens regularly throughout the day.

  7. Our pre-treatment, complimentary herbal tea is still available but instead of being self-serve, our friendly team will now make it for you.

Our team will discuss any changes with you when you check in or give you a call prior to arrival.

As an independent practice, the support from our community has been vital so we would like to say a big 🎉 thank you 🎉!

Over the next few months, we will continue to improve our services and expand our provision so that more patients can access our clinical excellence, patient focus and individualised care. We look forward to sharing the progress with you!

If you wish to make an appointment, or to discuss any of the aspects discussed within this or other posts, please feel free to contact our freindly team.


Clinical Excellence | Individualised Care | Patient Focussed

Blackall Terrace Dental in Nambour offers the very best in modern dental treatment.

Call us on: (07) 5441 3583

Visitus at: 87 Blackall Terrace Dental, Nambour, Queensland 4560


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